

生徒用ピクチャーカード「動詞編」 [SEP-004A]

販売価格: 1,320円(税込)

[在庫数 32点]


サイズ:横6.7cm x 縦9.9cm / 40枚入り



think / hug my dog / go upstairs / love my family / cook breakfast / sit on the bed / wash a car / give him a chocolate / draw a heart / cut the paper / open the box / go to the park / help my mother / want a pink T-shirt / show me your book / write a card / look for Cupid / have an arrow / play cards / water the flowers / catch some bugs / look at the stars / make a sand castle / fly / sing / swim / read a book / collect seashells / take a nap / climb up a mountain / study English / clean my room / ride a bicycle / jump / play soccer / dance / have a campfire / eat some shaved ice / jog / go fishing
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